3月4日 – 有点紧张

2010-03-04 0:00 by hackerzhou

这两天微软的HR跟工程师轮番给我电话,HR前脚确认好时间,工程师后脚就给我电话面试,很紧张很刺激。据说微软是笔试,电面,面试,步骤最多的那类。昨 天电面的还行,今天被告知要准备下周五的现场面试,说实话不知道怎么准备。发给我的邮件里有一段话:
For SDET Candidates:
An SDET’s primary responsibility is to write code-often in the thousands of
lines, usually built from scratch. In this role, you’ll write automated
testing tool suites and developer tools used only within Microsoft. Our
SDETs write a lot more code than SDEs because, rather than tweaking a huge
product code base, they’re usually working in the realm of, “We don’t have
a tool. We need a tool. I’ll write that tool.” Our SDETs also own the
complete product cycle for the tools they build, so there’s a high sense of
end-to-end code ownership. [阅读全文]


2010-01-30 0:00 by hackerzhou

这几天被琐事缠绕,把原来未尽的一些事情做干净了,发觉当完成一项项计划的时候总是特有成就感。 [阅读全文]